Pro-Care Medical Center | Primary Care | Chiropractic Care

15 Strength and Mobility Experts To Follow on Instagram

Written by Dr. Casey Hays, DC | 4/30/18 8:54 PM

Ever feel like you struck a gold mine when someone teaches you something you can use for the rest of your life? As a provider, I love teaching my patients something that will help prevent injury, address a nagging pain, or get them on the road to faster recovery. And hopefully, provide them a nugget of information they can use forever.

No doubt there’s a ton of great resources available on health, wellness, strength and mobility online. And as a professional learner (and the occasional weekend warrior), I’m always looking for great sources I can learn from. Instagram just happens to have some phenomenal experts that I love to learn from. So, here are 15 of my current faves:

1. @docjenfit

Dr. Jen Esquer is a must follow. She created the @mobilitymethod and her IG feed is full of great mobility goodness.


2. @drjewett07

Dr. Travis Jewett...a grass-fed, Iowan chiropractor that knows his stuff when it comes to strength and mobility. His IG feed teaches me something every time I take a look. 


3. @gmbfitness

One of the preeminent mobility and flexibility course developers online, their feed will do one of two things 1. Teach you something, 2. Motivate you or 3. Make you feel jealous if you can’t touch your toes yet. 


4. @portal.ido

Part culture. Part movement. Ido Portal is where it’s at. If anything, it’ll motivate you to move!


5. @acumobility

We love their tools and their IG feed is chock full of videos and tips to restore and maintain mobility.


6. @kettlebellkings

Great workouts and techniques on using kettlebells... one of my favorite strength and mobility tools.


7. @perfectstridept

 Loads of goodness on correct posture, training and mobility. If you're a runner, check this feed out!


8. @mad_scientist_diffin

Known as the “Mad Scientist of Strength,” Chris Duffin is the co-founder and COO of @kabukistrength and we absolutely love using the Boomstick on our patients to help with their mobility and recovery.


9. @dr.jacob.harden

If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment, then Dr. Jacob has tons of good information here.


10. @mobilitywod

A daily dose of mobility goodness. There’s always great info shared each day.


11. @chirostrength

Dr. Scott Dunaway shows you that mobility and exercise can be done in jeans. Well, he also has a ton of knowledge to share ranging from stretches and proper exercise form to functional movements. Lots and lots of good stuff here.


12. @squat_university

Need your PhD in squats? One of the most fundamental movements and exercises that can give me, as a provider, a wealth of information on my patients’ mobility. Dr. Aaron Horschig does a phenomenal job helping you master the basics of the squat and then some...


13. @themovementfix

Education, a podcast and programs that you can subscribe to with a focus on specific areas of the body (ie. shoulders, knees, hips) movement and mobility.


14. @guerrillazen

Find your zen. Blake Bowman’s feed has a ton of resources and exercise examples that are focused on posture correction, hip strength, pelvic tilt and more.


15. @drcourtconley

Not only is she a chiropractor, she specializes in the foundation of foundations: the foot. If your feet are wrong, a whole lot above that can go wrong. She shares her highly informative analysis and application of healthcare to the human foot and the way we meet the earth.


If you've got a few favorites who you follow, share them with me in the comments below or tag them on our Instagram feed, @procaremedical, and give us a follow. In the meantime, keep moving! Need some further help? Book an injury evaluation with us today!